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The Weekly Round-Up: 4/17/15 Upheaval Edition









On select Fridays, I’ll be posting a few links that are currently rocking my world.

Links that are currently rocking my face off, with a slant on upheaval: and dealing with it when shit goes down (especially the shit you don’t want to go down).

Some are my own, to make me remember times where I had doubts before, and how I got through them (or didn’t).

Paige Z. on clinging onto what works: “Find something — anything — that keeps you from sliding back into the old rut.” She chooses to listen to the LMC Radio Network to keep herself from bad habits. What will YOU use as an anchor to keep yourself from falling back into negative patterns?

Mentorship Wrap-Up: to remember just how far I’ve come, and where I’m going. This is especially poignant for me, as my year-long mentoring of The Midheaven’s Amelia Quint will be drawing to a close in a couple of months. Where did the time go to?

This and this to help me remember that though I can’t read for everyone (and I can’t see everything coming), doesn’t mean I should fall into doubting EVERYTHING.

Reframe your questions into empowering statements: “Can I do this?” to “I can do this,”

My car was totaled, but at least I wasn’t injured. Word maven Alexandra Franzen broke her leg, and still manages to turn her inner critic into a phenomenal post about courage, bravery, and trying after perceived failure.

Tower moments. Little Red Tarot’s Beth Maiden says of them: “I’m very fond of The Tower card. I like it that lightening appears from nowhere and busts everything apart – it’s the perfect antidote to entrenched denial. ‘If you’re not going to deal with this, well, something external will come along and bloody well make you.’” I’m still learning the lessons I need to learn from the most recent upheaval of the car, and some of them have already become apparent… and they were things I weren’t even aware of. Touché, Universe. One of my lessons is what you don’t know sometimes CAN hurt you.

And finally, wisdom from Briana Saussy… because pretending like everything is okay when it isn’t is dangerous. Only when we acknowledge that everything is not okay can we get to the other side where we have a chance of being okay: for real.

What’s floating your boat this week? How do you deal with it when upheaval knocks at your doorstep? Leave a Comment below and share!


Original image courtesy of Gualberto107 /

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One Response to The Weekly Round-Up: 4/17/15 Upheaval Edition

  1. […] Some special blog series will be posted on different days of the week, such as Fridays for Weekly Round-Up posts and Tuesdays for Major Arcana In-Depth […]

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