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Tarot Beginners

Sign up for the FREE challenge starting April 2nd!

Learn tarot with me…. for free!

Struggling with learning tarot? You’re not alone. The quickest way I have found to getting a basic grasp of card meanings and how they apply to our lives (and the lives of clients) is through a card of the day practice. And that’s what we’re going to do in this FREE five day challenge: establish a card of the day practice… Together.

This challenge is set to start on Monday, April 2nd… a wonderful way to lead into my birthday! The best gift that I can get is knowing that more people are learning tarot than ever before… and that I can help them learn it!

Sign up for the Card a Day Challenge and you’ll get five days of free tarot instruction, delivered straight to your inbox.

If you’ve ever wanted to learn the tarot and don’t know where to begin, this challenge is for you.

Interested? Get more information and join the challenge here.

See you in your inbox!


PS—Into the social media thang? Use the hashtag #5daysoftarot. Sharing is caring, so let your friends know and do the challenge together!

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Tarot Beginners

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