Tarot by Hilary LIVE happens every Friday at 6:30 p.m. EST on my YouTube and facebook page.
Here are some replays of my free workshops, along with episode notes, recommendations, and links! (you can also find the replays of these workshops on my YouTube page – see the fun social media icons in the top navigation)
Episode 1: New Moon in Virgo Workshop and Tarot Readings – working with new moon and full moon energy
🌛🌕🌜New Moon in Virgo—how to work with the new and full moons to get what you want, and live tarot readings!
🌛🌕🌜New Moon in Virgo information from Theresa Reed (the Tarot Lady): The month comes to a close with a New Moon in Virgo on the 30th. This New Moon is ideal for creating a new health regimen. If you’ve been overindulging in the summertime picnics and festivities, reboot your healthy habits. Work projects started around this day also have a chance to get moving on the right foot. From the August horoscope, located here: https://www.thetarotlady.com/work-wit…
🌛🌕🌜Other places to go for astrological information is cafeastrology.com and astro.com. If you are an entrepreneur (and even if you are not), Theresa’s Astro-Biz Digest subscription is awesome if you want to use astrology to plan your life better.
🌛🌕🌜In addition, my friend Lisa Salvatore is also an excellent astrologer and I LOVE her videos/audios – This Energy Is Intuitive, Creative, Practical And Realistic. https://lisasalvatore.com/new-moon-vi…
🌛🌕🌜What do you do during a new moon phase? (new moon to full moon) new beginnings, start manifesting and working on new goals, reflect on old goals and decide to continue them or set new ones based on them – use the new moon to bring things toward you
🌛🌕🌜What do you do during a full moon phase? (full moon to new moon) release what no longer serves you! Letting go and releasing, or banishing and binding. This is also a great time to release goals that are no longer working for you. – use the full moon to release things away from you
🌛🌕🌜Believe it or not, a lot of this stuff boils down to simply paying attention and going with the flow of the energy already present, not against it. There’s so much more to astrology that we’re not going to get into (we simply don’t have the time), but if you simply honor the new and full moons, you are 10 steps ahead of the game. With my magic, the adage “keep it simple” comes up frequently. Simple is simple, and also POWERFUL.
Episode 2: How to Connect with Your Tarot Deck
Feel like you just can’t CONNECT to your tarot deck?
🔴Join me for a free workshop with tips on connecting with your tarot deck, including:
✨how to pick your deck
✨establish a connection with your deck
✨what to do when you are stuck on certain cards
Episode 3: Busting Tarot-Reading Myths
Tarot-Reading Myths, look out … you’re BUSTED!⠀
🔴Join me for a free workshop busting all those pesky tarot myths, including:⠀
✅a tarot deck has to be bought for you, or you have to steal it (whoa, bad karma there!)⠀
✅ Does the Death card really mean death? (sometimes, but usually not)⠀
✅you must wrap your cards in silk and bathe them in the light of a full blood moon (gee, that sounds like a lot of work…)⠀ …. and many others!
Episode 4: Tarot and Writing
Stuck in writer’s block? You better whip out your tarot deck!
🔴Join me for a free workshop on using the tarot for:
✏️brainstorming plot points
✏️character creation
✏️clearing up a bad case of writer’s block
Read about writing with the tarot here.
Episode 5: How do you receive your psychic information?
🔮 Join me for a free workshop on identifying your clair (psychic info) so that you know when your intuition is working for YOU! ✨
Episode 6: How soon is “too soon” for a tarot reading?
🕐 Is it “too soon” for another tarot reading? This is a frequently asked question… and occurs days (if not hours) after their last appointment with me. While I love the enthusiasm, that’s simply not how tarot works best for us!
🔴 Join me for a free workshop on just how much time is needed in between tarot appointments (spoiler alert: this can be a very individual answer!).
Episode 7: Tarot and Mediumship
🔴Join me for a free workshop on connecting with the other side using the tarot. I’ll also be providing information on:
✨the difference between a psychic and a medium
✨opening yourself up to the other side in a safe way
✨giving recommendations for mediums that I personally endorse
Episode 8: Framing Questions for the Tarot
🔴Join me for a free workshop on how to frame questions for the tarot that lead to an empowering reading experience. Covering subtopics such as:
✨which types of questions are best for the tarot
✨the tricky issue of determining timing in a reading
✨a list of sample questions that you can take with you to your next tarot reading
Episode 9: Charming a Tarot Card
How to charm a tarot card… for those of you who couldn’t make it to my class in St. Louis, think of this free workshop as a little “I’ve got ya” mini-class!
Recommended Books to check out:
Sasha Graham’s
• Tarot Diva
• 365 Tarot Spreads
• 365 Tarot Spells
Melissa Cynova’s
• Kitchen Table Tarot (review at the link)
• Tarot Elements
• Kitchen Table Magic (publication date September 2020 – not yet released)
Read about charming a tarot card here.
Want to break a bad habit? http://tarotbyhilary.com/new-moon-habits/
Episode 10: All About Oracles!
🔴Join me for a free workshop on oracle cards and how you can add them to your tarot readings:
✨what’s the difference between tarot and oracle cards?
✨when can you use oracle cards instead of tarot?
✨the weekend forecast
Some oracle decks/charms I enjoy:
– the Work Your Light Oracle deck by Rebecca Campbell and Danielle Noel (check out the Starseed Oracle as well)
– Moonology Oracle Cards
– the Tessera Oracle (tell her I sent ya!)
– the Way of Brighid Oracle Cards
Episode 11: Big Fat FAQ Session!
🔴Join me for a free workshop answering all your weird questions about:
❓what it’s like to be a #tarot reader
❓what my first tarot deck was
❓what my favorite tarot decks are (and why)
❓does the tarot decks you use vary from client to client
❓can you read for yourself, or is better to have someone read for you
❓are you psychic
… and more!
Links mentioned in this episode:
– The Mystic Mondays Tarot
– My Tarot Deck Library
– Radiant RWS Deck
– The Llewellyn Tarot
– Legend: The Arthurian Tarot (this may be out of print now)
– A Deck for Any Situation: How I Choose
– Tarot Of The QTPOC: Deck Listing
– The Wisdom Is in You: 5 Ways to Realize It
– Tarot for One: The Art of Reading for Yourself
Episode 12: Goal Setting with the Tarot
🔴It’s that time of the year again… the end of the year (and the end of the decade as well)!
Join me for a free workshop on setting goals with the tarot, including:
🔔how to calculate your year card for 2020
✅how to use tarot to set your goals and stick to them
… and more!
For more information about year cards, birth cards, and tarot constellations, you should really pick up a copy of Mary K. Greer’s excellent book Who Are You in the Tarot?
Episode 13: Yule/Winter Solstice Workshop
🔴Not only am I a tarot reader, I’m also a witch as well! Join me for a free workshop on welcoming in the Winter Solstice, and how to integrate divination into your seasonal celebrations! ✨🎉🎄
Episode 14: Reading with Reversals
Do I need to read with reversals? Spoiler alert: no, you don’t! But if you do…
🔴Join me for a free workshop on reading with reversals in the tarot, including:
💜do you have to read with reversals?
💜how do you read with reversals?
💜and more!
Episode 15: 3-Card Tarot Spreads
Want to know what a tarot reader’s bread and butter is (at least this tarot reader)? It’s not the Celtic Cross… It’s a three-card spread!
💌On this episode, I will teach you how I do a three-card spread… so you can do your own!
🎉This is my go-to spread when I do party readings and corporate events, so if you want to read tarot at events, this episode is right up your alley!
Episode 16: A Year-Ahead Reading for the Collective! (airing live on Jan. 17th at 6:30 p.m. EST on facebook live)

Looking for more episodes?
Find replays on facebook.com/watch/tarotbyhilary
Or subscribe to my YouTube channel: