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Category Archives: Blog

The Readers Studio and Beltane Haul: what happens when a tarot reader goes shopping

For me, the end of April/beginning of May heralds the start of “festival season” here in the Northern Hemisphere: the weather is warmer, the flowers are blooming, the grass is green and lush… And for two back-to-back weekends, I become SUPER PAGAN, super tarot-y, super witchy. Yearly tradition dictates tarot conference one weekend, and theContinue ReadingContinue Reading

Readers Studio Rundown, Days 1–3

All 3 days of the Readers Studio Conference in one large post! Otherwise known as Day 1 1/2: the half stands for the fact that I arrived at the hotel on the Thursday afternoon to make sure that I was there for Heatherleigh Navarre’s Crystal Ball by Candlelight evening study group that I had been planning on attendingContinue ReadingContinue Reading

Shopping List for Readers Studio 2017

The last time I attended a tarot conference was in 2015: Readers Studio. Last year, I took a year off from tarot conferences in order to save up for big life events, like my wedding (my husband and I paid for most of it ourselves) and our honeymoon (a year delayed, so it was moreContinue ReadingContinue Reading

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