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Tarot Beginners

I’m Hilary Parry Haggerty, and I’m a tarot reader. I believe in interactivity, tough love, and a no-nonsense approach. I do tell it like it is. I am simply the girl next door... that reads tarot.

You wouldn’t make a major decision in your life without consulting a few of your trusted friends for advice, would you? Probably not. Sometimes you need someone with more objectivity. I offer that objectivity, and then some, with my tarot readings.

I am based out of Westchester County, New York. In-person readings have been suspended in light of the global pandemic, but previous to that in-person readings were located in the Westchester area and the tri-state area of New York. For in-person readings, I do not have a home office (yes, I make housecalls!) and readings are by appointment only. If you are not in the area, readings are also available through phone, Skype, and e-mail. I serve clients in Australia and Riyadh as well as in the United States and Canada. Isn't technology wonderful?

Want to know more about me? See my About Me page.

Want a reading? Visit my Purchase a Reading page.

I read tarot like I write. And where I write about tarot is at my tarot blog.

Any lingering questions? The best way to reach me is via e-mail.

7 Questions with Jenna Matlin

This interview is a part of the “7 Questions” series. I will be posing 7 questions to people within the tarot community; whether they are bloggers, authors, deck creators, or fellow readers (or sometimes, all of the above!).   This past spring at Readers Studio, I was able to meet a real-life Queen of Wands,Continue ReadingContinue Reading

Tarot Blog Hop: Lammas and the Queen of Pentacles

      The topic for this round of the TarotBlogHop is “How Do You Channel Your Inner Queen Of Pentacles?” For more information about the TarotBlogHop, see Donnaleigh’s great explanation at Lammas and the Queen of Pentacles The Queen of Pentacles has seemed like the queen I connected with the least in theContinue ReadingContinue Reading

Cleanse Thyself: Energetic and Home Cleansing

I have noticed when doing readings and answering follow-up questions, certain themes emerge. I’m going to address one of those recent themes today, since I already answered the other: is it too soon to come see you for a reading again? in a previous post. The other question was, How do I cleanse myself orContinue ReadingContinue Reading

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Tarot Beginners