Originally published on Redfin.com: https://www.redfin.com/blog/at-home-tarot-reading-space/
This is a truncated list. The full version is available here.
Whether you read tarot cards for yourself or others, the environment during your readings can make all the difference. By creating a safe, relaxing, and comfortable space to read your cards, you can deepen your experience and improve your overall practice.
Having a room dedicated for card reading is great, but it isn’t required. All you need is a space where you can quietly practice without being disturbed. With this in mind, you can create a tarot reading space in an unused corner, on a tabletop, in a windowsill, or you can even create a portable altar to move around the house with you.
To help you set up your space, we reached out to some of the top tarot experts in North America – from Austin, TX to Vancouver, BC – and asked for their best advice. If you feel a calling to explore, keep reading to see what they had to say.
Incorporate the sense of smell. Scents can be a powerful aid in setting up a sacred space in your home. Incorporating candles, incense, herbs, cologne, and perfume can elevate a space and bring you into the right mindset for a tarot reading. – Atlas Readings
Declutter your space. Create an area in your home that is decluttered to keep the positive energy flowing. Then decorate the area with magically charged items such as quartz or Amethyst crystals to enhance the area with psychic and magical energy. – Tarot By Emillie
Let your creativity flow. Creating a tarot reading space at home boils down to working with your creativity. Lay down a piece of cloth or scarf that you love on a clean surface. Place sacred items around the cloth, such as lit candles, incense, flowers, photographs of ancestors, or anything that has meaning to you. Take some deep breaths and tap into the divine. – The Tarot Woman
Incorporate feng shui when deciding where to do your readings. Feng shui is the system for how qi-energy moves in your home, and it is a perfect complement that boosts home tarot reading spaces. For love questions read in the southwest corner of your home. For family and health readings use your tarot deck in the east. For work-related questions read in the north while wealth-related questions will get a boost in the southeast. And finally, questions relating to children can be done in the west. Reading tarot in corresponding directions depending on the question acts as a signal-boost to the answer you receive – Jenna Matlin, Intuitive Readings
Remember the importance of your breath. While crystals, incense, an altar, fresh flowers, and a reading cloth all add to the energy of divination, the only true necessity for creating sacred tarot reading spaces is your conscious breath. Exhale, and release mundane concerns, as well as any anxiety you have about the reading. Inhale, and bring sacred energy into your being and all around you to create your temple and attune to the divine. – Christiana Gaudet
Create a space in your home that feels uniquely you. The tarot cards themselves aren’t sacred: they are pieces of paper with pictures on them. What is sacred is you. So create a space in your home that makes you feel safe, sacred, and loved. Flowers, candles, crystals may work for one person, while a sparse and clean environment works for another. Make a space in which you feel good, then bring your cards to it and begin. – Tarot by Hilary
Think about where your home’s heart is. Each home has its heart and that’s where the power is. Ask yourself where you gravitate to when you want to unwind and relax? Also, ask where in your home you entertain and share great times with others? Is there a core spot where you feel the safest and most empowered? For some, it’s the kitchen, for others a sunroom or entertainment area or even a garden. There is no wrong answer as each person will need to use their intuition to determine this place for themselves but your comfort there is essential. To be an effective card reader, for yourself and others, you need to be comfortable first. Once you determine your home’s heart you can build on that with candles, crystals, tablecloths, chachkas, and flowers but first, you need the firm foundation and that is where you choose to center yourself. – New Orleans Psychic
Find sacred space within yourself. The most important part of creating a sacred tarot reading space at home or wherever we may take our cards is to find the sacred space within us: that quiet, calm state where the voice of our intuition can be heard. – Intuitive Insights by Jen Cintron
Originally by Redfin
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HILARY PARRY HAGGERTY is a tarot reader, witch, mentor, editor, and teacher. She has been reading tarot for over 21 years (13 years professionally). She was the winner of Theresa Reed’s (The Tarot Lady) Tarot Apprentice contest in 2011, and has taught classes on tarot and spell-work at The Tarot School’s annual tarot conference Readers Studio and at Brid’s Closet Beltane Festival. She writes a weekly blog on tarot at her website www.tarotbyhilary.com and has been featured in Maxim Magazine and BuzzFeed. She is the author of How to Read Tarot.
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© Hilary Parry Haggerty | Tarot by Hilary
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