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Category Archives: Blog

Weekly Round-Up: Big Ass Solar Eclipse Edition

              On select Fridays, I’ll be posting a few links that are currently rocking my world. Today’s link love edition on a Monday comes to you courtesy of the solar eclipse! I wrote about When Hollywood Gets Psychic Abilities Right last week. Clearly, I love movies… it’s one of myContinue ReadingContinue Reading

When Hollywood Gets Psychic Abilities Right

Yeah, Hollywood tends to get the occult wrong 85% of the time. But for once, I’m going against my baser instinct of pessimism and disgust of my fellow man, and honoring those movies and TV shows that got psychic abilities more or less right in their depiction. ***SPOILER ALERT!*** Be careful about reading this post,Continue ReadingContinue Reading

How to read tarot? It’s as easy as telling a story…

  I squinted to look at the clock: 2:30am, already? I sighed, fighting my heavy eyelids and losing, trying to read the same sentence over and over again. Before I knew it, I was nodding my head, and the book was falling out of my grip. As I caught it with a start, I admittedContinue ReadingContinue Reading

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