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Category Archives: Blog

Getting back in the saddle: a 1/2 year evaluation and time to course-correct

We’re halfway through the year (can you believe it?)… and how have YOU been spending it so far? Me, I’m realizing that I have gone far, far, far off from the daily habits and routines that helped me to feel centered, secure, happy, and healthy. Drat. I’ve gone from my healthiest and in the bestContinue ReadingContinue Reading

When a reader refuses to read for you (aka don’t make a reader do what they don’t want to do)

This article elaborates on a topic I’ve written about previously: Can’t Read for Everyone – go check it out!  My husband is notorious for becoming quite the brat if he’s forced to do something that he doesn’t want to do. He digs his heels and won’t budge, or if I get him someplace he doesn’t want to be,Continue ReadingContinue Reading

Ask a Tarot Reader: I don’t like my final outcome card! What do I do?

This is another post in the “Ask a Tarot Reader” series. If you have a question for me that you’d like to see featured here, please email me at, Subject line: “Ask a Tarot Reader”. Please specify how you would like your name to appear or if you wish to remain anonymous.   SoContinue ReadingContinue Reading

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