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Tarot Beginners

I’m Hilary Parry Haggerty, and I’m a tarot reader. I believe in interactivity, tough love, and a no-nonsense approach. I do tell it like it is. I am simply the girl next door... that reads tarot.

You wouldn’t make a major decision in your life without consulting a few of your trusted friends for advice, would you? Probably not. Sometimes you need someone with more objectivity. I offer that objectivity, and then some, with my tarot readings.

I am based out of Westchester County, New York. In-person readings have been suspended in light of the global pandemic, but previous to that in-person readings were located in the Westchester area and the tri-state area of New York. For in-person readings, I do not have a home office (yes, I make housecalls!) and readings are by appointment only. If you are not in the area, readings are also available through phone, Skype, and e-mail. I serve clients in Australia and Riyadh as well as in the United States and Canada. Isn't technology wonderful?

Want to know more about me? See my About Me page.

Want a reading? Visit my Purchase a Reading page.

I read tarot like I write. And where I write about tarot is at my tarot blog.

Any lingering questions? The best way to reach me is via e-mail.

Weekly Round-Up: 12/4/15

              On select Fridays, I’ll be posting a few links that are currently rocking my world. I love Carolyn Elliot’s work on BAD WITCHES, so it was absolutely no surprise that I adored this article on 17 Bizarre Philosophies that Made me $10,000 last month (with accompanying musicContinue ReadingContinue Reading

The season of death, the veil is thin, and a tarot tribute

This is Scorpio season, the season of death, the season where the veil between this world and the next is the thinnest: it has also been a season for me and mine in which we’ve lost more loved ones than previous years. This past Saturday, my coven celebrated Samhain, the Witches’ New Year, the sabbatContinue ReadingContinue Reading

7 Questions with Tarot Diva Sasha Graham

  This interview is a part of the “7 Questions” series. I will be posing 7 questions to people within the tarot community; whether they are bloggers, authors, deck creators, or fellow readers (or sometimes, all of the above!). Adoration and fawnage abound when I talk about the magnificent Sasha Graham. I first met SashaContinue ReadingContinue Reading

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Tarot Beginners