Everyone’s familiar with that feeling: Frozen. Stuck. Uncertain. Deer in headlights “I don’t want to make the wrong move so I won’t make any move at all.”
Thing is, choosing not to decide is still a choice. At least, that’s what the band Rush says in their song “Free Will”. I tend to agree.
I used to think about choice in a few different ways:
- If you don’t like where you’re at, choose something different.
- Most choices are not permanent, so it’s not a big deal if you “choose wrong”. Choose again, try something different.
- In every moment, there is always a choice: a choice to continue along the path given, a choice to change, and a choice to remain in-between: not the path given, but not choosing a new one, either.
I talk a lot about choice when I discussed the Lovers card previously. It is the very quote I used in this article that comes to mind now as we’re discussing observing over doing:
“Sometimes, making the wrong choice is better than making no choice. You have the courage to go forward, that is rare. A person who stands at the fork, unable to pick, will never get anywhere.”—Terry Goodkind, Wizard’s First Rule
The prospect of messing up, publicly, is terrifying. Making the attempt and possibly screwing up doing it is the only way for you to get unstuck, however.
It’s laughable that I’m writing about this, as most of this was written years ago, and I’m only just now circling back to the things I’ve written at that point in my life. Keeping myself stuck, indeed. I can’t even remember the impetus for that writing. Can’t remember what choice I was pouring over, observing, unwilling to move.
So that should tell me exactly the lesson that I was trying to learn all along… that the choice that I was so hung up on, was obsessively writing about… the fact that I can’t remember years later what that very choice was, that I’ve moved onto new and hopefully “better” problems…
I’m writing about years later with no memory of it, and no memory of which way I chose.
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HILARY PARRY HAGGERTY is a tarot reader, witch, mentor, editor, and teacher. She has been reading tarot for over 21 years (13 years professionally). She was the winner of Theresa Reed’s (The Tarot Lady) Tarot Apprentice contest in 2011, and has taught classes on tarot and spell-work at The Tarot School’s annual tarot conference Readers Studio and at Brid’s Closet Beltane Festival. She writes a weekly blog on tarot at her website www.tarotbyhilary.com and has been featured in Maxim Magazine and BuzzFeed. She is the author of How to Read Tarot.
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© Hilary Parry Haggerty | Tarot by Hilary
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