I keep on forgetting to blog. Because why would I, when I technically vlog every week during my livestream?
It’s hard to keep everything I’m doing up to date. First, there’s my book which comes out 11/22/22 (talk about divine timing!). Then there’s my podcasts, plural: Cardslingers Coast to Coast and the Tarot by Hilary podcast.
To add to my plate, I’m also participating in National Novel Writing Month, which usually finds me sequestered, isolated, and weird. You’d be too if you wrote 50,000 words in a month.
But I digress. We had a really fun and information episode of the livestream last week, and I wanted to let you know about it.
Next week I’ll be on Jenna’s socials talking about MY book, so you’ll definitely want to check that out.

Book your reading here.
HILARY PARRY HAGGERTY is a tarot reader, witch, mentor, editor, and teacher. She has been reading tarot for over 21 years (13 years professionally). She was the winner of Theresa Reed’s (The Tarot Lady) Tarot Apprentice contest in 2011, and has taught classes on tarot and spell-work at The Tarot School’s annual tarot conference Readers Studio and at Brid’s Closet Beltane Festival. She writes a weekly blog on tarot at her website www.tarotbyhilary.com and has been featured in Maxim Magazine and BuzzFeed. She is the author of How to Read Tarot.
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© Hilary Parry Haggerty | Tarot by Hilary
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