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Category Archives: conferences

A Shopping List for Readers Studio 2014

Attending Readers Studio for me is akin to a big kid in a candy store. Last year’s Readers Studio I bought at least 2 Lenormand decks without even knowing the system. What will this year’s Readers Studio divination trend be? (Did you even know there were trends in divination, just like anywhere else?) I’m startingContinue ReadingContinue Reading

Readers Studio 2013 Rundown—Part 3

For Part 1, click here. For Part 2, click here. Saturday morning dawned, and I hustled my way to the breakfast buffet and grabbed my chow before high-tailing it the the main room to attend Theresa Reed’s breakfast roundtable “The Tarot Industry: Where Do We Go From Here?”Continue Reading

Readers Studio 2013 Rundown—Part 2

For Part 1, click here. Friday morning was the official start of Readers Studio, and though I technically “slept in”, I still made it downstairs to the hotel restaurant with plenty of time for breakfast, conversation, and watching more tarot peeps roll in before the Opening Session started at 11am. Since I had already checkedContinue ReadingContinue Reading

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