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Category Archives: Blog

It’s Podcast Launch Day!

The podcast I’m doing with Melissa Cynova & Jaymi Elford launched today! Check us out on our website and wherever you listen to your podcasts – we have been busy little bees lately trying to add the podcast to services such as iTunes, Stitcher, and Spotify. We plan on releasing an episode every month –Continue Reading

The quickest of year in review posts – Goodbye 2019!

Want to have a giggle and a stroll down memory lane? Yup that’s me, a few months after this here website went live for the first time… broadcasting from my old macbook white, the yellow background of the walls of my bedroom. Tentative and uncertain, freaked out and absolutely sure I needed to do ALLContinue ReadingContinue Reading

Traveling while Mercury is in retrograde…

It’s been 2 weeks since I returned home from the Cardslingers Thingy (it’s new official name), and I realized something… I was tempting fate traveling during a Mercury Retrograde. But you know what? Everything went really swimmingly! Because here’s the thing: we can’t put our lives on hold for 3 to 4 weeks out ofContinue ReadingContinue Reading

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