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Category Archives: Blog

Upleveling Altitude Sickness

Big news first, which may explain the lack of a newsletter last month and my social media quietness…. I’m writing (wrote) a book! My first book Tarot: Practical and Celestial (also may be titled How to Read Tarot) is now available for preorder on Amazon, BN, and at your local independent bookstores via IndieBound! PublicationContinue ReadingContinue Reading

I was a hypocrite…

How many of you have been given business or career advice from me in the course of a tarot reading or a series of tarot readings? Have you made extreme life changes as a result? Have you been deeply unhappy, and ready to make a change, and that reading was the catalyst to get offContinue ReadingContinue Reading

How To Set Up The Perfect Tarot Reading Space at Home

Originally published on This is a truncated list. The full version is available here. Whether you read tarot cards for yourself or others, the environment during your readings can make all the difference. By creating a safe, relaxing, and comfortable space to read your cards, you can deepen your experience and improve yourContinue ReadingContinue Reading

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