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Category Archives: Blog

Weekly Round-Up: 5/11/18

            On select Fridays, I’ll be posting a few links that are currently rocking my world. Missing my Card a Day Challenge students… must go into the exclusive Facebook group and say hello. The Facebook group stays active all year for people to share their card a day revelations if theyContinue ReadingContinue Reading

Channing and Jenna are breaking up… but here’s what I’M interested in

  All of the news outlets are talking about the eerily prescient psychic reading that Jenna Dewan got at the beginning of the year that foreshadowed her breakup with husband Channing Tatum. Besides the feeling that true love is dead (omg, no, not the Tatums!) here’s what other emotion got invoked in me: ANGER. BecauseContinue ReadingContinue Reading

Book Review: King Billy and the Royal Road

  Author: RC Ajuonuma Illustrator: Beverley Young Publisher: Silverwood Books Publication Date: 2017 Please note that a review copy was provided by the author. From the publisher’s website: “He walked for a stretch, then came to the edge of a glistening, shimmering wood, where he noticed the whiff, of candy and crisps, and everything elseContinue ReadingContinue Reading

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