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Category Archives: Blog

2 Samhains and a Survey

  This year was the year of 2 Samhains for me: my coven celebrated a small private gathering, and then the next weekend I traveled to NYC and helped facilitate our sister coven’s public celebration in Midtown Manhattan. Only in retrospect am I realizing that this was a lot for me. Maybe too much, withContinue ReadingContinue Reading

The Simple Tarot: 7 Questions with Angie Green

This interview is a part of the “7 Questions” series. I will be posing 7 questions to people within the tarot community; whether they are bloggers, authors, deck creators, or fellow readers (or sometimes, all of the above!). Today’s edition of 7 Questions finds me talking with Angie Green, creator of The Simple Tarot. I wasContinue ReadingContinue Reading

Catfish: The TV Show – Tarot Edition

“You were an experiment.” Ugh ugh ugh… ewww ewww EW! I sat there horrified at the screen, screaming “oh my god” and “ewww” at the top of my lungs, hollering so loud that my husband ran into the living room. “What’s the matter?” I point to the screen. “He catfished over 400 girls, and heContinue ReadingContinue Reading

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