Another year, come and gone (well, almost gone). It went by so fast! 2012 was the anticipated “end of the world” for some, but as we’ve seen, life and the years go on. 2012 was a full year for tarot, and 2013 is anticipated to be just as full…
On to the Tarot by Hilary Best of 2012 in Tarot!
Best Tarot Blog—Besides mine? Well, okay. Divine Whispers by Donnaleigh de la Rose… she tackles subjects that most tarot readers fear to dip their proverbial toes into. She’s not afraid to get to the deep stuff, and oftentimes these are her most compelling articles. For an example of this, “The Best and Worst in You”. She also is the main reason I am now going to attempt to learn Lenormand (“Choosing Your First Lenormand Deck”) and who can resist trying out a crafting project or two? Donnaleigh’s blog has it all, and she is an absolute sweetheart to boot!
Best Tarot Deck— The Steampunk Tarot by Barbara Moore and Aly Fell: Some would consider this deck a novelty on par with Hello Kitty tarot and Gummy Bear Tarot… to that I say “nay, not so!” Steampunk Tarot has given me some of the most practical and down-to-earth readings I’ve ever received. Clients also really enjoy this deck too! I was so psyched up about this deck before its release, and I can safely say it did not disappoint, but rather exceeded my expectations. Its companion book also is splendid and offers plenty of juice information… it is not a throwaway!
Best Tarot Book–Honorable Mention—Raven Mardirosian’s The Reluctant Tarot Reader: Adventures in the Gypsy Trade (©2011): Since this wasn’t technically published in 2012, I can’t choose this as the best tarot book of this year. However, Raven’s book is a delightful change from your run-of-the-mill instructional tarot book. If you haven’t checked out her blog yet, you really should.
Best Digital Tarot Product *New Category!!!*—Theresa Reed’s (aka The Tarot Lady’s) Mystical Mogul program: As Theresa says, “Enough is enough. It’s time for mystics to start treating their gifts with respect.” So, this program ain’t just for tarot readers: it’s for anyone in a metaphysical biz, and heck, even massage therapists can benefit from these handy-dandy tips to go pro. Not only did I buy a copy for myself… I also earmarked the $$$ for my friend to get one, too! A must-purchase if you are daydreaming your own business instead of actualizing it. Plus, the logo is super-cute!
–Honorable Mention—Tarot Business in a Box: If you’ve got the extra cash to spend, purchasing this gem from Theresa as well is a no-brainer. It’s the next best thing to working with Her Tarot Thugness one on one!
Best Tarot Podcast—Again, Beyond Worlds is above par; if you are a reader looking to up your game, you should be listening to Beyond Worlds!
Looking forward to in 2013—So many tarot decks, so little time. I will be looking forward to the wonderful Readers Studio in April. As for decks and books, I have my eye on a few things, most specifically The Deck of 1,000 Spreads due to be released in March and the book Learning Lenormand by Marcus Katz and Tali Goodwin, slated for release in May.
Best Tarot Moment—being accepted as a teacher at Readers Studio 2013!
See you in the New Year!
Image: Ambro /
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Awwww….thank you so much for this! You made my day! XXOO
Theresa | The Tarot Lady recently posted…Best of Tarot 2012
Hilary —
Thanks so much for mentioning The Reluctant Tarot Reader. I’m honored — and you have a wonderful list here. Like you, I ADORE the Steampunk Tarot. Absolutely my favorite deck of 2012.
Raven recently posted…Solstice Rainbows
You’re welcome, Raven!
Wow!! Hilary, thanks a million for the mention here! I am so-so-so SO honored you mentioned us here! Thank you!
OMG and there are 2 mentions here. I think I feel woozy, lol.
Thank you so much, Hilary. An honor beyond comprehension.
Hooray! Thanks for being excited about The Deck of 1000 Spreads! Woo hoo! It has its own Facebook page, if you’re interested.
Tierney recently posted…1/3/13–Being the Star
You are welcome, everyone! Everyone listed is very deserving, and compiling the Best Of list gets harder every year with the amount of fantastic tarot stuff that comes out!