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Tarot Beginners

Tarot Blog Hop: Ostara 2019


The Tarot Blog Hop is when a group of bloggers all blog on the same question/topic and link to the blogger before them and the blogger after them to create a Tarot Train. For more information, go to the Master List link, listed both above and below this blog post.

Theme 1: Out of the whole deck, what card or cards would you say represent you either professionally or personally? As always these are just guides, if your muse wants to play about and take you on a journey that is perfect, as long as its within the refrain of the topic, be as free as you like.

Theme 2:  Shuffle and randomly choose a card out of a deck that you feel is connected to the Spring Equinox. Please briefly mention in your blog what deck you used and why you feel it conjures up feelings of Spring for you. Now, imagine cracking an egg open and you find the card that you randomly choose inside of it. The card is your secret ingredient.  Your source of inspiration. The challenge is to create a recipe that describes the energy of the card. Please don’t forget to mention what secret ingredient that card represents for you! For example, let’s say I got the Star card. My secret ingredient might be star shaped pasta, starfruit or could be something that inspires hope!

Cruel to Be Kind: the Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords from Ciro Marchetti’s Legacy of the Divine Tarot

Because I’m not one to “follow directions” I’m going to combine the two themes for this equinox’s Tarot Blog Hop… and crack open the Easter/Ostara egg to reveal the tarot card that represents me both professionally AND personally.

It will come as no surprise to many of my clients that I am the Queen of Swords. I have been trying to temper my delivery of tarot readings, but it seems that I attract the type of clients that truly want the no sugar coating, “give it to me straight” reading. And those that don’t? Usually don’t stay in my sphere for long!

There’s nothing wrong with a kind and sensitive reading. It’s just not the type of reading that I do. I prefer the cruel to be kind philosophy of tarot reading, and will rarely color a card rosy if that’s not what I’m seeing.

This time of year, the light is returning, the days are warmer, the snow is thawing and the crocuses and snowdrops are popping up to tell us the seasons are changing. For all we see on the surface, it is a happy time. But the mystical weather still has us in Mercury Retrograde, and it feels like the woulda coulda shouldas are flying fast and thick, and we can’t seem to shake the winter blues or past hurts no matter how sunny the skies are.

I believe that’s where my Queen of Swords nature helps to cull and prune what no longer serves in my clients’ lives. We can’t grow into the light of this season without a little bit of pruning back the dead branches and heavy leaves… if we don’t do this work, we either won’t grow to our full potential… or at all.

Objectivity. Unbiased and laser focused perspective. Me and the cards. The truth, unvarnished and clear. That’s what my clients continue to come to me for. If they want the hand-holding and blind support, they’ll go to their best friend. But if they want the truth of the situation, revealed through the cards?

They come to me, the Queen of Swords.



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HILARY PARRY HAGGERTY is a tarot reader, witch, mentor, editor, and teacher. She has been reading tarot for over 21 years (13 years professionally). She was the winner of Theresa Reed’s (The Tarot Lady) Tarot Apprentice contest in 2011, and has taught classes on tarot and spell-work at The Tarot School’s annual tarot conference Readers Studio and at Brid’s Closet Beltane Festival. She writes a weekly blog on tarot at her website and has been featured in Maxim Magazine and BuzzFeed. She is the author of How to Read Tarot.

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© Hilary Parry Haggerty | Tarot by Hilary

12 Responses to Tarot Blog Hop: Ostara 2019

  1. Bonnie says:

    And, in a deck of playing cards, the Queen’s swords would be spades–perfect for spring gardening, for those who are into that! 🙂

  2. Jay Cassel says:

    How awesome, you’re using a favourite deck of mine. I think I have all but one of this authors releases, but give me time and I’ll get the full set lol.

    Thank you for sharing apart of you and your journey of tarot in this cycle of the TBH, greatly appreciate it and hope I’ll get to learn more about you in the future turns of the wheel.

    Jay 🙂
    Jay Cassel recently posted…Tarot Blog Hop: Master List – Ostara 2019My Profile

  3. Traci says:

    I’ve always appreciated a no nonsense approach to a tarot reading. I think we can all use a tarot reader with a truth-telling voice to call us out on our shenanigans or the shenanigans of the people we ask about. As an air sign, in a reading, I sometimes ask the question: Are you being honest with yourself? A lot of people either get quiet or look away!

  4. Ania says:

    Ooh, you’re a real stabby, stabby QoS! LOL
    As a fellow QoS I do tell it how it is, but many of my clients are in despair, so it’s quite handy that I’m also the Star and try to give them some hope when I deliver the sharp and pointy stuff 🙂

  5. Casper Ong says:

    Nice delving into the Queen of Swords — the elaboration of how she is you, and how she relates to spring (unexpected card for Spring!) is lovely. I appreciated this write up 🙂

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