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Category Archives: writing

Ask a Tarot Reader: Short Answer Edition

  ❓: How long have you been doing this for? 💬: Since sixteen years old (I’m turning 35 this year). Professionally, I started in 2005, so this will be my eleventh year of business! ❓: Can you just pull a few cards for me quickly? 💬: No. ❓: Are you sure you don’t have yourContinue ReadingContinue Reading

Thoughts on pleasure: a brief interlude from talking about tarot

  When was the last time you did something for the pleasure of it, and what was it? Seriously. Think about it. Write it down, if you’d like. I’ll wait right here while you do….Continue Reading

Top Ten Tarot by Hilary Blog Posts—2015 Wrap-Up Edition

The last time I did a top ten, it was at the end of 2012, reminiscing on the blogging year I was leaving behind. Besides the realization of “gee, I should do that again!” I also learned that doing a top ten list is an excellent way to wrap up the year and go intoContinue ReadingContinue Reading

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