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Category Archives: ethics

When You Should (and Shouldn’t) Get a Tarot Reading

I was appalled when I was talking to some fellow tarot readers the other day about nightmare-ish scenarios with some less-than-ideal clients. Some scenarios they were throwing out there seemed unfathomable to me. For example, if you had a potentially violent ex-boyfriend trying to bang down your door, would you: a) Call the police b)Continue ReadingContinue Reading

Billy Joel, Narcissism, and Tarot Readings

“And you can speak your mind, but not on my time.”—Billy Joel, “My Life” My friend told me about the time she went to a psychic that had been highly recommended by a friend of hers. This person swore up and down how good she was… how accurate. My friend had no reason to distrustContinue ReadingContinue Reading

Your Clients Are Not Your Friends

It’s a controversial headline for a blog post, I know. But the summation of a lot of my boundary lessons from the last year have accumulated in this assertion: your clients are not your friends. I’m not saying that it’s impossible to cultivate good relationships with your clients, but I am saying that over familiarityContinue ReadingContinue Reading

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